产品描述 新新木塑是由塑料与纤维素(竹粉、草粉、石粉、木粉)经过塑化特殊工艺加工处理的绿色环保景观材料,其吸水率只有木材的千分之二以下,耐腐蚀比木材高出十倍以上。 产品特性 *防水防潮、不膨胀、不变形、不龟裂、不腐烂、可用于传统木制品不能应用的潮湿多水的环境中。 *防虫蛀、防白蚁、耐腐蚀、抗老化、使用寿命长。 *无污染、无公害、低碳、环保、节能减排的高环保性。防火等级为B1级、能有效的阻燃、遇火自熄、不产生任何有害气体的高防火性能。 *较好的可塑性、多姿多彩、颜色众多、不易褪色、木质感觉、能充分体现个性化造型及个性风格。 *可钉可刨、可锯可钻、施工简单、安装方便、节省施工时间及费用。 *节能性好、可重复回收利用、符合可持续发展的基本国策和要求 Product Description The new wood-plastic material is a kind of environmental aesthetic material,made of plastic and cellulose(bamboo powder,grass powder,stone powder,wood powder)with a special process.Its water absorption is below 2/1000 of the corrosion resistance is over ten times of the wood.
Product characteristics *Waterproof,moisture proof,no expansion,no deformation,no cracking,no rot. It can be used in the damp environment,where traditional wood products cannot bu used. *Inset pests prevention,termite resistance,corrosion resistance,anti-aging,long service life. *No pollution,low carbon,environment friendly,energy saving and emission reduction. *The fire-retardant grade is B1.It can be effective to stop fire not producing any harmful gas. *Good plasticity,colorful,not easy to fade,wooden touch,can fully reflect the personalized modeling and personality. *It can be nailed,planed,sawed,drilled with simple and easy construction and installation steps,saving time and cost. *Energy saving,recyclable,in line with the country’s sustainable development policy and requirements.